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For we are His workmanship. created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before hand, that we should walk in them.

Ephesians 2:10

 Sean’s F.I.R.E. Starters

(aka: The Blog)

Doing vs Being

KNOWING our identity has ZERO to do with what we do. It's who we BE. And who we BE was set at the foundation of time. It's actually NOT up to us. And KNOWING THAT is a huge relief. KNOWING that allows us to relax and let the doing flow through us. "BUT..." I hear myself ask... "Don't I have to be doing something?" Actually, no. And at the same time [...]

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The Resistance is Real

Dear Reader, The RESISTANCE you feel is real. Not in your head real. REAL. And there is no "self-help" that will quiet the voices you hear. There are no coaches, no programs to soothe the voices you hear because the voices are not your own. There is an enemy. He's real. And he's pissed off. He knows the war is lost but since he's already damned, he [...]

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Serve Others To Serve God and Yourself

Is it just me or does the Bible seem to contradict itself at times? Now here's where it gets really good... Because we are working in alignment with God and using the gifts He gave us and being who He created us to be... we greatly increase our chance at success in ALL areas of our lives. We're serving others so our RELATIONSHIPS are going to be better because we're o [...]

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